Yeti Mountain - An episodic Commodore 64 game has been released by Protovision

I'm rather surprised this game hasn't got more attention in the C64 scene, as not long ago thanks to a recent heads up, we were told that Protovision had recently published a rather awesome multi episode and genre Commodore 64 game called ' Yeti Mountain ' by Russell Mills. A game in which you must  investigate the suspicious disappearance of your best friend and renowned ski instructor Chris Piriah at the Yeti Lodge Resort. To coincide with this news, as always we've got some screenshots and a video for you of this latest release from Protovision.

Here's the latest from the itch io page. "It’s been happening a lot lately, but this last disappearance is different, at least to me. Chris Piriah is my friend. He was a ski instructor and in excellent physical condition. He knows his way around mountain ranges. This doesn’t sound right. I need to head on over to Yeti Lodge Resort and find out what has happened to him. Yeti Mountain is a multi-genre interactive adventure game developed by a talented team headed by Russell Mills. Spread out across three distinct episodes as you set out to Yeti Lodge Resort to investigate the suspicious disappearance of your best friend Chris".

  • Multi-genre gaming styles - quest based exploration, skiing mini games, multi-scrolling action platforming, puzzle based platform and more!
  • Intricate supernatural story narrative 
  • Non-linear game play 
  • Three different game world settings 
  • Sophisticated ski engine with multi-directional scrolling, two degrees of turning left or right and randomised course layouts 
  • Multiple endings based on choices you make during the game NPC characters and interaction littered with pop culture references from the 80s, 90s and early 2000s
  • Optional side quests High quality cinematic cut scenes 
  • Atmospheric SID music soundtrack (21 carefully crafted sound pieces!) 
  • In game saves 
  • PAL and NTSC compatible
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  1. Honestly? They should've just focused on the downhill skiing part.

    1. Agree with you there. The RPG part only seems fun for one go.

  2. @anonymous: Interesting! I Thought about buying the game - can you tell us what's wrong with the other two parts? I thought it would be a great idea to mix different styles of play.

  3. Way too expensive

    1. Yeah and what's odd is, last year it was stated the download would be free.

  4. Just purchased it - and already regret it... who the heck thinks its a great idea to implement a timer in the first "quest based" adventure part of the game? If the part is about exploration I want to take my time to explore, my own pace, not some artificial countdown of doom that forces me to permanently keep an eye on it and find the fastest way to get around. I guess I'll never get it in what way timers can be a good feature in any game.

    1. I'm not a fan of forced timers either, same as in games that require you to do what it wants ( such as being stealthy ) and not alerting anyone or it's GAME OVER.

    2. Yeah, exactly, that's another terrible design feature, if the game forces you to be stealthy... just yesterday I was (for the first time) playing Uncharted 2 and early in the game it forces you to do exactly that. Man, I had to repeat the same passage at least a dozen times.

    3. uncharted 2 is teaching you moves you can use throughout to help avoid going into overwhelming battles, by picking off a few or more enemies to cull the enemy groups a bit. that early stealth section is basically a tutorial so you can learn that. I found it pretty easy myself.

  5. I think it all looks fantastic but I'm afraid I have to agree with other comments that the timer is a big turn off for me and seems quite arbitrary to be honest. Again, it does look like a really good game.

    1. How can that be? RetroGamer Nation said it was the best game ever. But then maybe he shouldn't have reviewed his own game.

    2. That comment he made about being the best game was tongue in cheek. Furthermore, it's his channel so if he wants to present something he worked on and is proud of, then that's his right. The point is, he presented it, he didn't really review it so he's done nothing wrong. When you have your own channel and get involved in the making of your own game, then maybe you can do things differently...

  6. Starring Mr. Miyagi haha So what if they're charging money for their hard work. Good on them!

  7. Guys, is the timer really problematic? I mean, at first glance, one hour seems rather generous. Other than that, the game looks fantastic, love the various visual effects (bus window, etc.). The price is really a bit too steep, though.

    1. The timer might be there to indicate when the avalanche hits. If that's the case, then it has a reason for being there.

  8. After every two steps there is a text screen. Is it sure, this is a game?

  9. ^^ Why is the Mentat from Dune 2 one of the characters there?

  10. The art look amazing, the music is great and the game engine look solid but the storyline of the game, for me, is a turn off. An adventure / mystery at ski resort? Involving a Yeti? Meh. However, I probably would have said that conceptually a game like Caveman Ugh-lympics was uninteresting but that was hilarious. So, I could be wrong!

  11. Game engine, graphics, music all seem top notch but the premise of the story is uninteresting to me.


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