Abu Simbel Profanation Extended - Classic ZX Spectrum platformer ported to the C64 and extended in 2017/18 (Re-released via itch io?)

Prepare to scream profanity at your keyboard because one of the "most difficult games of Spanish Software History" has been re-released as a converted and extended version to the C64. This game titled as 'Abu Simbel Profanation' was the third in the Johnny Jones Saga and was originally released in 1985 for the Spectrum, Amstrad CPC and MSX. The game was developed by Victor Ruiz and released by Dinamic Software in Spain (and Gremlin Graphics throughout the rest of Europe).

As Johnny Jones, you must explore the tomb of Abu Simbel and rid yourself of the Pharaoh's curse. Similar to Manic Minor, the game is a static multi screen platformer with various traps, moving enemies, keys and doors to unlock to progress. You'll be ripping your hair out in frustration at times, as if you remember the ZX Spectrum version, a wrong move can lead you to lose not just one of your 9 lives but all of them, as you could spawn over a moving enemy which will repeatedly kill you, or above spikes which you'll fall onto over an over again! However, if you play the game in emulation, you can use the quick save and load feature, or take advantage of the the infinite lives training modes in the Laxity version which was released way back in 2018.


  • Programming and graphics: Fco. Javier González Cañete (Equinoxe)
  • Music and SFX: CKultur y Richard Bayliss
  • Loading screen: Nico Galis
  • Loading tune: Richard Bayliss
Extra Notes 
  • Unsure of what was changed/added to the extended version
  • The extended edition was released back in 2017/2018, but has it been re-released via itch.io just this week?
Links :1) Source 2) CSdb


  1. I like the graphic quality achieved, but the Amstrad version, although it is less showy, is much more playable, you have the option of two types of jumps that you must use properly and this contributes to make it more enjoyable and versatile. It's a pity it wasn't based on this version, as it would have been the best of all.

  2. With the keyboard Q- Long jump and with A- Short jump and with the joystick in port 2, direction up- Long jump and up + fire- Short jump.
    I don't know Oscar if this is good or bad news for you, anyway, greetings.

  3. Thanks for the clarification at my 50 years old I discover that the spectrum and c64 version also have two types of jumps XD. That said, the only thing I would change is certain sound effects ,as they are more chord in amstrad . Also when you jump, here the c64 version accelerates the movement and creates a strange sensation. For the rest, I congratulate the programmer, because I admire the knowledge he has to program on this platform.

  4. Molto bello !
    Tutto e' decisamente piu' giocabile e divertente e naturalmente se ti trovi in difficolta' con CCS64 basta digitare F12 per salvare il punto e F11 caricandolo !!
    La versione C64 e' piu' bella graficamente essendo piu' nitida, ma bisogna dire che la versione speccy e' piu' atmosferica...!


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