Prince of Persia has been converted over to the Commodore Vic-20 and it's well worth a play!

Another interesting story for you all, as we have just been told by VIPER's Retrogame videos, that the all time classic platformer of 'Prince of Persia'; a game which was released for many different systems back in 1989 by Broderbund. As well as a more recent homebrew port for both the Atari XL/XE and Sega Mega Drive. Has been converted over to the Commodore Vic-20 by Pedro Bermejo! As in the words of Viper "Released in 2024, a conversion of the game for the fully expanded VIC-20 (+35k, PAL only), inspired by the ZX Spectrum version, albeit with some differences".

Dev Notes : "Prince of Persia was one of my favorite games when I got my first PC (I have to express my deepest admiration by his creator, Jordan Mechner). And, when I saw a version of this game for the Spectrum (developed by someone nicknamed Nicodim), I thought that something similar, to some extent, could be done for the VIC-20. Given the difference in available RAM (Spectrum version, as the original game developed for the Apple II, required 128 Kb) I had to do many simplifications. 

"This is clearly noticeable in the movements (not as smooth as the original) and, especially, in the sword fighting (when started working on this I already had very limitted available memory so you'll see this is very simplified). Besides this, you'll find many other differences with the original game (and, even, with the spectrum version), but I hope you find it interesting to see the Kid running and jumping through the VIC-20 screens. This VIC-20 version includes 9 levels (these try to be similar to the 9 first levels of the original version) plus the final scene with the Princess. I hope you enjoy it."

In my opinion Prince of Persia is a truly fantastic game on any system! Not only does it feature lots of well designed platforming levels which are filled extreme danger. But you must be careful not to fall through loose floors, get hit by sword wielding guards, crushed by gates or at worst skewered in blood on deadly spikes. If you've never played this game before especially if you have a Commodore Vic-20 at home, then you really should be loading it up right now.

Links :1) Source  2) Download [ Updated Dev Notes ]


  1. Developer notes have been added, so the article had to be changed to reflect the update :)

  2. Amazing! I had no idea that the Vic 20 was even capable of displaying graphics like that.

  3. This looks really good, love it!

  4. ∑(ส˜ะดส˜) - mind blown!

  5. lol, is this the new "its only a computer if it can run DOOM" - trend ? i have to check this out ofcourse

  6. Holy shit. What an amazing effort..

  7. Great effort! Free, too!

  8. Magnifico lavoro.

  9. Vic 20. Seriously.

  10. Brilliant conversion well done!

  11. Hi. I tried to play this on the 'VICE [VIC-20]' emulator but it won't load. What must be done to remedy this? Thanks.

    1. +35k RAM expansion enabled + reset the PAL machine?

    2. VICE 3.8 > xvic.exe (bin folder) > preferences > settings > machine > model > VIC20 PAL > memory expansions = all blocks > close > file > reset > reset machine cpu > now drag and drop your image over the emulator and it will run > carry on gentlemen

    3. Hi. That worked. :-)

  12. I don't own a vic20 but this is really impressive! The original 6502 code is available, did this port use it?

    1. No, it didn't use original code.

  13. A very impressive game.

  14. I agree with the comment above about PoP being the new "get Doom running on this unlikely platform" challenge. Certainly the coders have picked up this gauntlet and unleashed the Prince on to yet another legacy computer in fine style. This is a very impressive conversion that came off the VIC20 will be sure to love. So what's next - a BBC Micro version, lol?

  15. Full respect to the coders for a fab conversion of this legendary game. I have just one request to put to them - please convert Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow & The Flame to the Amiga 1200/AGA ๐Ÿ˜

  16. The closest the VIC-20 will ever be to rotoscoping - amazing stuff! Choosing wich frames to drop from the prince's movements must have been tough. Or are they all there, just necessarily a little slower? In any case, the result is fantastic! Great work!

  17. Hehe, nope. Vic 20 game Shadowfax by Mike Singleton (Lords of Midnight and Midvinter) uses the famous 1878 photo sequence of Eadweard Muybridge. I remember showing Shadowfax to an elderly relative to demonstrate the sophistication of video games and she came away very impressed.

    1. Wow, I did not knew that. I stand corrected! Of course, not having to display an enormous dungeon arround (using a green field instead) means all the memory can go to the really cool animation - but you presented proof that the vic 20 can be amazingly robust.

    2. Yes, it's an extremely simple game. PoP is really something else ...

  18. Amazing Pedro! Thank you so much for making this. You may have had to cut some corners but you kept the spirit of the game perfectly.

  19. Nice! If I'm not wrong, this is the best game ever for the VIC-20!

  20. This game would probably have sold gangbusters if it had released during that time

  21. Plus/4 version is also developing. It looks nearly exact like that on C64


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