AmiGameJam 2024 launches with " The Sequel That Never Was "

Something slightly different for today's retro heads up, as we've recently been contacted through Facebook, that if you head on over to the link below, you can check out the latest AmiGameJam 2024. A new Amiga Game Jam open from May 31st 2024 at 4:00 PM to November 30th 2024 at 2:00 PM with the main theme of "The Sequel That Never Was". A brand new creation contest for developers from around the world to develop some new games for Classic OCS/AGA" and Next-Gen Amigas (Aros, MorphOS, OS4 and Vampire.

AmiGameJam 2022 entry - Green Beret

Here is the latest about the competition sent by our good friend Amiga Cammy "This year's AmiGameJam has just begun! The theme for this year's contest is "The Sequel That Never Was", where you choose an Amiga game that you wish there was a sequel for and make it happen yourself! Entries should be submitted to the jam by the 1st of December, giving you six months starting now. There are two categories for you to submit your game in - Classic OCS/AGA and Next-Gen (Vampire, RTG, Aros, MorphOS, AmigaOS). Please remember to keep your game within the contest rules and make sure it runs on an Amiga".

"Stay tuned for further updates regarding prizes, judges and more! More information can be found at the AmiGameJam page" -


  1. Yes another AmiGameJam !
    Which game will succeed Rogue Declan ?

    Ps. Roguecraft will soon be released aswell I believe.

  2. Dear developers:

    Think outside the (genre) box. Just because you can do a sequel to an existing game, it doesn't have to be a copy of it. How about a puzzle sequel to an action game, or a 3D view to a text-adventure?

    What if we play the villain in the sequel, or see the story from the eyes of an NPC?

    Be creative.


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