Basilisk of Roko 2 - An action platformer for your ZX Spectrum by retrosotano

Saberman has recently contacted us through Facebook, that retrosotano has released the sequel of 'Basilisk of Roko 2' for the ZX Spectrum. An action shooter in which playing as Nachete “El Intern” and his powerful laser, must put a stop to an evil space thing and his crazed robots. To coincide with this news, we've also got some gameplay footage showing some of the levels, enemies, and traps you'll come across in the game.

While the story does seem to go off on one and can be a bit confusing. Here's what it says in brief. "Nachete learned something 12 years ago, and that is that he wasn't a fool anymore. He learned his lesson, so from that moment on he worked privately on a secret project which he always carries in his backpack along with the bun tupperware. This time he wasn't going to be caught off guard, he could finally use it. The 5 ¼ ” laser rifle!!!! Designed for situations like these, the 5 ¼ ” rifle transformed anything into high-density data. Now, Nachete, gather the 12 PRODIGIOUS CHIPS that some evil space thing has stolen from Neurolonk and discover who or what is behind all this chaos".

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  1. Link is not working

    1. Itch has been playing up for me this evening, is it working now?

    2. Yeh, working now! Thanks!

    3. Link working perfectly !!!!

  2. Voto: 4
    Commento: scattoso e brutta grafica, molto povera, fx parecchio scadenti !!


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