The Dark Knight - Shadow of Madness - Batman appears in this brand new Amstrad CPC game by Mananuk!

Mananuk is certainly no stranger to Indie Retro News, creating awesome homebrew games such as Paleto Jones 2, The Mandarin 2, Black Sea, and our personal favourite Shadow Hunter. Well thanks to a heads up by Xenomorph, we've been told that Mananuk has released the new Amstrad CPC game of 'Dark Knight'. A game in which you play as Batman, and must put a stop to a criminal gang that has kidnapped a group of scientists and spread a deadly virus throughout the city. To coincide with this news, we've got a bit more information about the game as well as a new video.

Here is what the website describes about Dark Knight "A criminal gang has wreaked havoc in the city kidnapping a group of scientists, the only ones capable of finding an antidote to the virus that they have spread throughout the city. Night falls, it's time to do justice. The game features 4 different levels, multiple enemy types, traps, and so much more".

Links :1) Source


  1. The collision detection looks like it needs a bit of polish...

    1. It’s an MPAGD game so collision detection is only a suggestion 😂

  2. Saberman's video is up now too! :)

  3. boy, those hostages must be pretty tall or batman is very short. :)

  4. Very nice action platform !!

  5. Looks like Montezumas Revenge mixed with Batman.


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