Galaga - An Arcade classic as a new Commodore Amiga conversion by JOTD and team!

Remember when we said that a possible 1:1 Arcade conversion of Galaga was coming to the Commodore Amiga thanks to the hard work of JOTD and team? Well if you've been following all of our previous articles on Indie Retro News, then you'll be pleased to know that as of today you can download the final version which is feature complete! A game that was originally developed and published by Namco Japan and by Midway in North America in 1981.

As we said before, Galaga puts you in control of a mighty spaceship that must destroy waves of enemy formations that are out to destroy or capture you! As for this latest release, rest assured that if you have a Commodore Amiga and have played any of JOTD's previous Arcade conversions such as Phoenix, Tetris, or even our personal favourite Donkey Kong, then you'll love this new conversion that is available right now!


  • - Jean-Francois Fabre (aka jotd): Z80 to 68k transcode, Amiga code, sound and assets
  • - Glenn Neidermeier: Z80 reverse-engineering (
  • - Mark McDougall (aka tcdev): graphical assets (ROM extract)
  • - no9: remade amiga tunes
  • - DanyPPC: amiga icon
  • - phx: ptplayer sound/music replay Amiga code
  • - blastar: NGFX SoundBuilder (Neo Geo sound tool)
  • - Namco: original game :)


  • - fully playable with sound
  • - all game bugs fixed (now a few graphical minor bugs remaining)
  • - this is still slow at 25FPS on a plain A500 or even A1200. Speed is good on a fastmem-equipped amiga, it will run at 50FPS.
Dev Notes : Final version released on itch. I've added 17FPS option (1 frame out of 3) and it runs but is very jerky. I've tried everything to make it run faster on plain A500 at 25Hz but it's still slow despite a lot of optimizations. Runs perfectly at 50FPS on fastmem-equipped amigas...A lesson learned: too many small objects on the screen is too much for vanilla machines. Slightly disappointed, as the game is great and it took me several months to transcode it prorperly, even with the source code.

Links :1) Source


  1. JOTD and team never seize to amaze me.
    Wel done guys

  2. Really looking forward to this. It's great that dev and team did their best to make it work on a vanilla machine.

  3. It crashes after loading,. amiga 500 plus with 68030 50mhz 64 meg error 8000 0004

  4. Great. Problem is nothing beats Deluxe Galaga by Edgar M. Vidgal.

  5. Game doesn't work properly on an A500 Mini. ADF Image: Coins always go to 0 after every game. The first time I played, everything was very slow and flickering constantly. Game freezes after not playing for a short time. HD: Doesn't work. Some file cannot be loaded.

  6. Game doesn't work properly on an A500 Mini. ADF Image: Coins always go to 0 after every game. The first time I played, everything was very slow and flickering constantly. Game freezes after not playing for a short time. HD: Doesn't work. Some file cannot be loaded.

  7. Nice effort, but how it can run at full speed on A500 or A1200? Deluxe Galaga looks hundred times better and works fine on A500 and AGA version is even better. These ports from 8-bit arcade machines need optimization, because there's no reason for them to be so demanding. For example graphics should be converted to take advantage of Amiga's graphics chipset, because as far as I understand many of these arcade classics use absurd amount of colours for simple graphics and they don't look like there are 32 colors on the screen at all.

  8. On my A500 Mini the game works with full speed with Amiga 1200 2MB Chip setting. With A500 settings (no matter how many Fast Men) the game is slow.

    1. exact and stars are fix now

  9. stars are fixed now they do not move and flash any more

  10. Galaga had 3 z80s plus custom chips, for an earlier 80s game it was a beast. I am glad it got a professional conversion.


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