TX-1696 - A nod to Shoot 'em up classics for your ZX Spectrum Next!

Yet another Shoot 'em up to grace our home computers, is the awesome looking side scrolling Shoot 'em up of TX-1696 by Lucky Red Fish for the ZX Spectrum NEXT. A game that is a nod to classic retro games such as R-Type and Project-X, to modern inspirations such as the fabulous Super Hydorah. While the game is available to purchase at the link below, for those of you are unsure if it is that good, then check out the feedback such as "Don’t purchase this on a ‘skool night’. I purchased this on a Thursday night and could barely work on Friday" and "The game is excellent and a nice nod to the past, with hints of Xenon2: Megablast".

Here's the latest from the website. "Battle through 5 graphically Stunning levels destroying wave after wave of EVIL aliens using a unique weapon system. TX-1696 is a hard, fast coin-op quality destructive action game with hot soundtracks to match. Not only does each level have a unique mind-blowing digital sound track by the amazing Richard Faulkner, but the gameplay has also been honed to the perfect retro gaming experience by the king of retro playthroughs Bret Pritchard".

Links :1) Source Use the promo code "SUMMER-SPECIAL-IRN" for £8 off!


  1. Zx Spectrum 128 conversion please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks

    1. Not happening. Amiga conversion is coming.

    2. Hey we are concentrating on a port for PC/Switch and maybe other consoles first, then possibly amiga and Megadrive. I would love to do a 128k version, but it might be a step too far. I'll never say never though!

  2. Wow! 32 pounds ~ €38 for the digital download including (for me) unnecessary print files. I'd rather save that because I'll have to pay for my new Mega65 soon. I can only hope that one day there will be as many newly developed games available for the Mega65 as there are for the ZX Spectrum Next today.

    1. I've had a nice chat with the dev, and he's given us a promo code for £8 off! "SUMMER-SPECIAL-IRN" Not many developers do that so quickly! So here you go :)

  3. Indeed, the game looks ok nothing spectacular though, but £32 for the digital version is just crazy. I don't think this will sell well at all.

    1. I've had a nice chat with the dev, and he's given us a promo code for £8 off! "SUMMER-SPECIAL-IRN" Not many developers do that so quickly! So here you go :)

  4. As much as I would love to play the game, 38€ is to expensive. No way I will pay this much for a Spectrum Next game, when excellent games like Vradrak's Revenge only cost $8

    1. I've had a nice chat with the dev, and he's given us a promo code for £8 off! "SUMMER-SPECIAL-IRN" Not many developers do that so quickly! So here you go :)

  5. Even with £8 off it's just way too expensive when compared to other Next games with much more quality than this game. Of course the dev is free to ask whatever he wants, but I feel he would probably make more money overall if he priced the game reasonably.

  6. When I suggested on Facebook it was far too expensive, and that perhaps there should be a cheaper download without all the random additions I got roasted by the author and her mates.So I am glad to see here others feel the same!

    It’s a good game, but not for the asking price, even with the discount.

    1. "I got roasted by the author and her mate" - I'll say it diplomatically, I've had a few interactions with them, I mean questions, and the answers have been ehm... strange... edgy and offensive, there's definitely no peace of mind there and the idea that they're trying to make money on a super niche platform seems bizarre to me.

    2. Many people in the Spectrum Next Facebook group are offensive and controlling...

      This game has nice graphics and sound but the game is bang average if you bother to stick with it more than half an hour. It's not a bad Spectrum Next game, but not worth the money.

      I'd feel bad for the developers spending years making it, trying hard, thinking they've got a great Next game and charging for what they think that's worth. It should be a reality check for gamers expecting great things from the Spectrum Next.

      Don't look at the CRASH reviews or believe early comments on YouTube videos (they're probably good friends of the authors). Wait and see what other gamers say before spending your cash.

      Anyone just curious about the ZX Spectrum Next should be warned. Don't buy this computer. It's not worth it. Use a ZX Spectrum emulator to get your retro gaming kicks instead and don't believe the pack of lies you might have heard about this machine.

    3. Hey, Really sorry you think it's average - It is possibly the game which pushes the next hardware closest to the limit currently, and stands up well to amiga games as a comparision I think. I can guarantee that we arent influencing reviews, and that we are genuinely blown away when people post nice reviews.

      As for the computer platform itself, I love it. It's obviously a nicely made piece of hardware, and a really nice retro platform to dev for. (Cspect, sjasmplus and dezog, and nextbuild in particular as so useful!) If you want to just play old speccy games an emulator like 'The Spectrum' is probably a good bet, but if you like coding, and creating, the next is lovely. Everyone is of course entitled to their own opinion :)

  7. Played it (and really enjoyed it) at Revival this year. Have bought it but not been able to get it running on the Spectrum Next MiSTer core sadly.

    1. Richard Faulkner18 July 2024 at 13:03

      Hey mister isn't accurate unfortunately. You'll probably have more luck with cspect. I do have a mister so I'll give it a go and see if I can spot the hardware problem... Possibly lack of CTC timers....

    2. Do you want to drop me a line on the contact form on the website and we can have an email conversation if you like. I want to make sure you can play it somehow.

  8. If you order this game to a country in Europe from Ebay you will pay £78.41 (£52.00 game + postage £11.02 + import charges £15.39). Promo code for this order doesn't work.

    1. Hi, we did the ebay shop this way so if people need it they have a way of covering customs. We've also extended the website to cover international postage. If you're having issues getting it at a decent price, drop me a line and I'll do my best to help!


  9. Not worth the money.

  10. The game is now available for 28.99. One of the best games you can buy for the spectrum next.


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