Unofficial SNK vs CAPCOM for the C64/128 gets a pretty impressive update!

There's another awesome news story that's worth a mention here on Indie Retro News, as thanks to both Ethan Knight and Saberman letting us know through Facebook, we've been told that Jon Eggelton and Gianluca Alberico has released a pretty impressive update to their 2023 Commodore 64 and Commodore 128 unofficial hit of 'SNK vs CAPCOM'; a C64 game which was developed using their in development fighting engine known as RetroFighter. To coincide with this HOT news story, we've got some info about the update as well as a video showing the game in action.

SNK vs CAPCOM is a game which doesn't just include a series of crossover video games by either Capcom or SNK, with characters that appear in games created by either company. But basic attacks, throws, special moves and combos, two levels of supermoves, counter attacks and breakers, multiple fighting arenas as a pure nod to the classics, bonus rounds, musics for all the stages, stage selection in versus mode and complete character storylines with intermission and even ending animations (Yes it's that impressive!).

Dev Notes

In this video you can find another update for C64 version of SNK vs CAPCOM and a specific version of the same game for C128, that implements the stage scrolling deal and 16 additional fighters. The C128 version can be written in a standard 1Mb EasyFlash or KungFu Flash cartridge. For the Kung Fu Flash, it requires the WarpSpeed capability in the cartridge firmware in order for the game to run properly. As for all the previous versions, the C128 version can get other updates as well, so stay tuned.

The changes made in this update contain:

  • - new music set
  • - enhanced effect colors on some moves

Links :1) Download "64" 2) Download "128" 3) Manual


  1. Really cool to see 8-bit games doing things that it's successors were known for.

  2. E' MOSTRUOSO !!!
    Il C64 fa questo.....
    Impossibile, non ci credo !!
    Very Impressive! Awesome, masterful.

  3. great job guys. super impressive. since i have my c64 in storage im gonna enjoy playing the 128 version instead on emulation so i can see the new scrolling backgrounds.

  4. Scrolling backgrounds are great on the 128. Well done dev team!

  5. Looks much better and playable than the project SF2 on Amstrad

  6. C128 version!!!! When I saw the scrolling/animated background! Incredible!
    It can't possibly ever get any better than this!

  7. This game is incredible for the C64, especially the playability/player control is great, something even classics like ik+ didn't get right. The sprite animations and the backgrounds are great for charset-mode. The sound-fx are great as well, the two-channel music can be improved upo . Maybe someone in the C64 scene like Nordischsound could contribute to make the game a perfect 10/10 ;)

  8. "For the Kung Fu Flash, it requires the WarpSpeed capability in the cartridge firmware in order for the game to run properly" – can somebody explain what the hell this means? I have the Kung Fu Flash cart with the latest firmware and a C64. Is that all I need, or do I need to enable a setting?


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