Holy Warrior - Embark on a perilous mission in this new Amiga game from Amiten Games [August Build]

We've recently been informed via Saberman through his Youtube channel and Tom from EAB, that you can now download the brand new Commodore Amiga game of Holy Warrior by AMITEN GAMES. A new Arcade Platformer in which playing as the holy warrior who has risen from the shadows, you must face the evil that has threatened to consume everything. To coincide with this news, we've also got some footage of the game below.

In brief this is what the website says about the game. "The protagonist, a warrior with a pure heart and unyielding faith, must embark on a perilous mission. Armed with his blessed sword and protected by divine light, he must traverse desolate lands, haunted ruins, and cursed fortresses. Each step brings him closer to his destiny but also pits him against unimaginable challenges and ruthless enemies. In this epic journey, bravery, wisdom, and faith will be put to the test". 


  • Game Programming: Johnny Acevedo. 
  • Sprites Assets: sanctumpixel.itch.io & szadiart.itch.io
  • Tileset : szadiart.itch.io
  • IA Gfx: Leonardo.ai
  • Music : Axel Melzener & David Turner
  • Sound FX: Johnny Acevedo.
Links :1) Source


  1. A nice little game.
    Not easy but fun.
    Definitely worth the price, but it could use some polishing here and there.

  2. The Characters move mechanics need a lot of work....Jump in the air and swing your sword and you can stay levitated for ever, also walking up hills are funny to watch. Hope for an update.


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