King’s Quest VI AGI Demake - A fan-made AGI re-creation of Sierra On-Line’s King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

What a fantastic year this is turning out to be for game announcements and releases, as we have just found out through Facebook, that if you remember playing the hit Adventure classic of King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow by Sierra On-Line. Then you'll be pleased to know that after 18 years worth of development, Brandon Kouri has released the King’s Quest VI AGI Demake! A high quality fan-made AGI re-creation which is available to download below.

Here's the latest from the website . "This game is a ‘demake’ of Sierra On-Line’s original ‘King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow.’ The original game was released in 1992, and featured 256 color VGA graphics and a point and click interface. This demake re-creates the original game using Sierra’s older AGI game engine from the 1980’s. It features 16 color graphics and a typing interface".

"This game was created by Brandon Kouri. It took about 18 years to produce (2006-2024). It was made for anyone who loves King’s Quest VI, the AGI game engine, text parser adventure games, or anyone looking for a nostalgic blast from the past! This game was assembled and compiled using AGI Studio. Game resources were created and edited using WinAGI GDS. Certain graphics and sounds were directly extracted and borrowed from copyright Sierra-On Line games from the 80’s and 90’s. A full list of credits for both this game, and the orignal game can be found in the ‘About’ section during gameplay".

Links :1) Source


  1. Typing interface. Yay! This is why I enjoyed the classics over the VGA point and click.
    Look, talk, get, smell, taste, touch, lick, kiss, fart, poo, pee.
    Such epic times!

  2. Fantastic work👍

  3. source is broken?

    1. Correct source but Website owner seems to have not paid his/her hosting fees :p

  4. Mirror for the broken download

  5. Website linked to as "source" seems to be gone - anybody know whwere this can be downloaded from? Thanks!

    1. It's back again... Will probably be down again later ha

  6. Phenomenal news. Looks fantastic!


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