TankX - An enhanced version of a 1994-1996 Commodore Amiga game originally by Hippopotamus Design

While the other Tank game which had inspirations to Combat was released for the Commodore 64, thanks to Saberman giving us the heads up earlier today through Facebook, we've been told you can now download the top down multiplayer Tank game of TankX for the Commodore Amiga by Koobo. A new game which is an enhanced version of the 1994-1996 Commodore Amiga game called Tankk by Hippopotamus Design (link). To coincide with this news, we've got some more info about this release as well as a short gameplay teaser.

Here's the latest. "TankX is a tank combat game where your aim is to shoot the other tanks and be the last tank standing. The bullets bounce from the walls and there's a limited amount of bullets that can be shot at a time.  The game is played in rounds which follow each other in quick succession. How many rounds can you win? You can play with up to 10 human players or against CPU driven tanks. You can also set up a team against team game. Any of the ten tanks can be set to be controlled by joystick, keyboard, or the CPU".


  • TankX works on Amiga 500 with a 0.5M memory expansion, and any classic Amiga above this.
  • Please note that the CPU driven tanks are computationally expensive. The A500 can usually handle two CPU driven tanks at a time without slowing down. For more CPU tanks a faster Amiga is recommended.

Links :1) Source 


  1. Nice Tank game with lots of options.

  2. Very good party game. We need more party games for the Amiga.

  3. On my A500 Pistorm it works well with one player and 2 AI tanks, but when I enabled a few more AI tanks the game tended to crash pretty quickly. Enjoy the game though. Nice varied backgrounds and music and fun to play.


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