ECLIPTIC - Another Commodore Amiga game update tease from bwldrbast!

Want even more Amiga news? Good! Because I've just been informed via our good friend Saberman(YT), that bwldrbst has released a new demo tease of the work in progress turn based tactical combat and role playing game of 'ECLIPTIC'. A game in which you play as a number of robots that must repair, clear out aliens, and deal with security systems on the space ship ECLIPTIC. To coincide with this news, we've also got some new footage of the game also provided by Saberman.

Here's the latest from the website. "Despite being badly damaged and infested with alien monsters, if it can be recovered, the technology contained on board will mean a fresh start and bright future for our world. Your team of three robots has been sent to the space ship Ecliptic. Guide them as they make repairs, clear out aliens and overcome the onboard security systems. They must reach the bridge, take control of the ship and bring it home. Ecliptic is a mixture of turn based tactical combat and role playing for the Commodore Amiga. Some of its influences are Space Crusade, UFO: Enemy Unknown and the Gold Box Dungeons & Dragons games. Visually, it is intended to evoke the retro-futuristic science fiction of the 1970s and 1980s – think Aliens".

Current State
  • Still in development.
  • Only PAL displays are supported.
  • Requires OS 3.1 or greater, 1MB of RAM and a hard drive.
  • Extra fast RAM recommended.
  • Amiga 1200 with HD and Fast RAM is ideal.
Links :1) Source


  1. The sounds go really cool with the atmosphere and make everything more intense. I like the gameplay combination and influences that are being used. This looks like a really fun game. I like the old D&D gold boxes and still have UFO in my collection. It’s always great to see new ideas in what looks like something made decades earlier.

  2. This reminds me of Paradroid for c64. Noone understood it at the time, and yet it became a classic. I like the subtle humour in this one.


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