Miracle Boy in Dragon Land - In development Atari ST game as an unofficial Wonder Boy sequel gets a special demo!

From the latest Arcade like experience of Wonder Boy on the Amiga, to the more modern spiritual successor of Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, this game series is certainly a fan favourite. Well here with another Wonder Boy story, as we have been informed that Sam Soft has released a very special demo for his unofficial Wonder Boy sequel for the Atari 520 ST called 'Miracle Boy in Dragon Land'. A game that can be seen in these images and video which have been provided by the creator and Saberman.

While we are not sure if this is going to be a turned into a fully fledged game, here's the latest from Sam Soft. "Travel the expanses of Miracle Land, solve puzzles, play mini games, improve your equipment and meet colorful characters. This is what awaits you before freeing the kingdom from the clutches of Count Drago in this 100% retro game. Will you be the Miracle Boy you've been waiting for? This game was developed for the Atari 1040STf/STE in 68000 assembler and you can access the first three levels of the game in this Demo".

Links :1) Website


  1. At the moment there are 9 levels developed and there will be 20 when the game is finished.

  2. I love the Psycho Fox cameo!

  3. Wow! great use of the ST-f capabilities,good parallax,fantastic colours,nice music and playability.A worthy tribute to the wonderboy saga in particular to "Monster World" on sega master system! An hope for a better enhanced version for ST-e (which,in this version,can play both sfx and music at same time) and even better a version for Amiga ocs ? Finger crossed and keep up the good work!

  4. It's really going on the good direction on a STf

  5. Really cool to see the WonderBoy legacy continuing ! GGWP !


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