Mochilo ZX - A new ZX Spectrum Arcade Platformer with an upbeat soundtrack!

MAX STONE El Secreto de la Gran Piramide wasn't the only game with a great soundtrack released for the ZX Spectrum this week, as checking through itch io earlier today, we've come across a new game for the speccy called 'Mochilo ZX'. A game in which you play as MOCHILO, and must rescue PINCHO, GAZPACHO and KUMBA from the clutches of the evil scientist MONUS. To coincide with this news, Saberman has provided a gameplay video showing some of the levels as well as that great soundtrack.

Here's the game details from the website. "The evil scientist MONUS has kidnapped PINCHO, GAZPACHO and KUMBA while they were sleeping. He has locked them in locked cells, and intends to carry out cruel experiments. His friend MOCHILO is his only hope! You have to find the three keys that open the three cells where they are locked up. Each key is in one of three areas: the jungle (right), the mine (left), and the snowy mountain (top). MOCHILO cannot eliminate enemies, only dodge them. There are some heart-shaped items that recover life".

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1 comment:

  1. influx of speccy game made in BASIC game maker .. /compilled BASIC/.


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