Shadowmage - A new Amiga Dungeon Crawler which took 30 years to complete!

Another Commodore Amiga news story to keep you company, as Saberman was kind enough to inform us this evening, that quantumcodemonk has released the Amiga game of 'Shadowmage'. A Dungeon Crawler that was first coded back in 1994, but then the disks were lost, and development resumed (from memory) in 2020. To coincide with this news, we've got some more details about Shadowmage as well as footage of the game provided below. 

Here is what the developer says about the game. "It took 30 years to complete this game. I started coding the engine in 1994 (I think) and when I sold my Amiga in 1997 I lost the disks with the source code. In 2020 when I started using Amigas again I could not find the source code anywhere. So I rewrote it from memory. It's not the "same" engine but I like to think that it is. :) The engine (and the game) was completed after 3 months and then I forgot all about it. But now I have finally published it".

Main features of the game:

  • Rules are somewhat based on Microlite20.
  • 3 difficulty levels
  • Many spells available
  • 3 playable characters
  • Save system
  • Auto-map
  • 12 levels to explore
  • HD Installable
  • Written in AMOS Pro

Minimum requirements:  Any Amiga with at least:
  • 2 MB RAM
  • Harddrive
  • 68030 25MHz or faster
  • *An Amiga with a Vampire, 68060 or faster is highly recommended*.

 Links :1) Source


  1. The art has a quaint style, it would be nice if he found someone to make new art for it.

  2. Definitely need to try this on real hardware or UAE

  3. Looks great, but those hardware requirements are wild!

  4. 30 years of work and all you got is 3 crying emoticons! LOL!

    1. Well, I clicked " LOVE THIS " and it shows as 0 wooooops! I think the emotions are abit broken today :p

    2. Scratch that, it's now working! 3 cry, 2 love ;)

  5. This looks fun, I'd like to try it. But I can't seem to find a link for download/purchase (as of writing this comment) anywhere on the source page. Am I doing something wrong or look in the wrong place?

    1. Looks like the download link has been taken down due to bugs in the game. (see comment - on the page near the top) says it'll will hopefully be sorted soon, estimated date September 2054!!

    2. Ooh, of all things I looked all over the page, that was the ONE thing I somehow did not see. XD Bummer. I was looking forward to trying this game. Thanks for the headsup!

  6. Looks fun. Yeah system requirements seem overly high, especially considering the genre.

  7. Congrats on the release!

  8. A project of passion is always to be respected. Kudos to you, sir, even if I personally do not like your game. Keep up to your goals and the good work, and please - never listen to the internet.


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