Thunder Child - This work in progress Intellivision Shoot 'em up looks EPIC!

I have a bit of a soft spot for the Intellivision, especially with some fantastic games announced on our site such as Intellivania, Gooninuff, and Oh Mummy! Well here we are with another awesome news story for the Intellivision community, as winterworks GmbH is working on an EPIC Shoot 'em up called 'Thunder Child'. A game that doesn't just feature upgradeable weapons and powerups, but smooth scrolling parallax backgrounds and lots of levels. To coincide with this news, we've got some early footage of the game below.

Here's the latest from the discussion forums. "Hi all, as some of you might have heared, my giana sisters homebrew is on hiatus since Im not sure what the original IP holder will be coming up with in the future. Chances are I can work together with them (Im already in contact), but its not clear at the moment. That's why I started creating a new original game, with my own "IP", so no one is holding me back from releasing this one (except lazyness and procrastination!!!) 😃" .

"My goal is to bring a classic shmup game to the intellivision. With upgradeable weapons, powerups, lots of enemies, parallax backgrounds and huge levels. The level shown is a proof of concept that this can all be done on the Intellivision. Of course using the awesome Inty Basic by @nanochess The music is played using the inty tracker. Many thanks to @DZ-Jay for his massive help on the tracker and inty dev in general!"

Release date TBA : Links 1) Source


  1. simply awesome. The child of Thunderforce

  2. The Child bit looks very much like the Wolfchild logo. :O
    Also Thunder Child is the battleship from War of the Worlds. And even has a whole song about it on Jeff Wayne's musical of it. :D

  3. That is superb, I never owned an Intellivision but imagine if this had come out during it's lifespan? Will be a brilliant retro release for sure.

  4. It seems more like a game nes-colecovision-mastersystem. crazy graphics

  5. It was my first machine after pong, I'm stunned A bit like a low res C64 hi end shooter, parallax and differential scrollers in my face, and with music with sound fx. I know Inty Basic is awesome and can do marvels, but I wonder about sprite multiplexing on such hardware, and then what can be done in full assembly.

  6. Imagine if this came out in the early 80's? Excellent!

  7. This game looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing 👍

  8. I have felt for a few years that the Intellivision is the best hardware of the stone age machines (VCS, Coleco and Inty)..

    1. And you'd be correct. 1979 release and holds its own against technology released many years later. IMO it is the most powerful system upon release ever.

  9. Extremely impressive for such a machine. Lots of great ideas and graphical touches. I wonder if this would be worth a physical release.

  10. This looks bloody amazing


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