Sega Master System 'Vigilante' is coming to the Commodore Amiga via Neeso Games, and here's a demo!

While many of you are still waiting for Neeso Games Arcade platformer of 'Super Delivery Boy': A game which is due for release at some point in the near future. There's another game you should be keep an eye on as developments progress, and that's Vigilante: A game that was released sometime back as a naff port to the Commodore Amiga. Which is now getting a new port by Neeso Games from the Sega Master System via the Scorpion Engine! As in the words of the creator from the first announcement "I prefer this over the arcade version (at least visually). Also the arcade port is already on Amiga and sucks pretty bad" 

Here's the latest from the website. "This is my attempt to port Vigilante from Sega Master System to Amiga. Why Vigilante and why Master System? First of all Amiga already has a (poor) Vigilante arcade port, but I prefer the Master System version because it's more colorful and has more personality, more NEESO style".

What have been done so far?

  1. Game works at 50fps to remove the choppiness seen on the Master System.
  2. Improved the impacts effect, it's still Vigilante but feels more Double Dragon :)
  3. All the stages and cutscenes are present, so it's tecnically possible to reach the end by beating all levels (up to you if you want to see it)
  4. The player is complete, needs some rework in regards of the flying kick and flying nunchuck attacks.
  5. All the enemies but the guy on the motorbike.
  6. Game flow is complete, including game over when running out of lives. Level timer works, Highscore works and is persistent.
  7. All sprites have been recolored and improved over the original ones.
  8. Levels 1,2 and 3 have been graphically improved.
  9. The title screen and ending images have been improved.
  10. Intro and all levels have different tunes, based on the original but reworked and improved by JMD.
  11. Brand new sound effects.
  • Art, Programming, SoundFx: NEESO
  • Music: JMD
  • Made with: Scorpion Engine by Earok
Links :1) Source ( For further details such as the demo download, related bugs and controls )


  1. Enemies grab and kill me all the time like in the Arcade game and that's why I hate it. Graphics are nice and deserve a better concept of gameplay. Of course, I do understand the ones who want a game similar to the one produced decades ago.

  2. I don't expect this post will show up either as you've clearly taken an authoritarian attitude to criticism, there was nothing abusive about my comment and your decision to remove it has lost you a LONG term reader...good work stasi.

    1. Why do all the abusive posts come from Anonymous accounts? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM If you've got nothing nice to say don't say it

    2. which comment was removed? I thought all comments, especially us Anons, have to be confirmed by the admin before showing up, no?

  3. I guess the project will be appreciated by the owners of Sega Something System.


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