Time Cristal 1 - Another recovery and again it's for the Commodore Plus/4

The multiscreen platform game of 'Aster' wasn't the only game that was recovered, as we've also found out looking through the plus/4 world website, that they've recovered a game called 'Time Cristal 1': a four level prototype, which later became a full 90's homebrew game from Hungary which was called 'Time Cristal' and released by Reddi. To coincide with this news, we've got  another screenshot from this prototype as well as a more detailed description (Video soon).

And here's the latest . "From KiCHY's archives another surprise has been recovered: Time Cristal 1. The name may immediately sound familiar to folks who remember 90's homebrew games from Hungary: Reddi did release Time Cristal, which, as it turns out, was coded by KiCHY. What we have here are four level prototypes. The first level is the - now already familiar - long tunnel; the player have to shoot and navigate through it. The second level is Starbase Tau Ceti - a large maze swarming with aliens. The third level is a huge boss fight; try to shoot down a massive ship through a moving gate, while avoiding the obstacles. The fourth level sees our hero on the ground: we can run around, jump and shoot with a weapon. This level has definite "Turrican" vibes. Do be aware the game is buggy/unfinished"

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  1. Turrican vibes? That little two legged robot is lifted right from the c64 turrican

  2. plus/4? Why? Nobody has this system, choose C64, the right way.

    1. Let's check the Plus4 world!

    2. I guess that makes me Mr Nobody! The C64 hardware was well used for gaming back in the day & still gets its fair share of games these days. It was the opposite for the Plus/4 … held back by the needed for games to be compatible with the C16 (with it's tiny 16K RAM).

      Some fun to play & impressive releases over the last year or two have shown what the Plus/4 can do when not tied to the C16. Always good to see another release, although I'm more keen to give Aster a try (another Plus/4 release mentioned here today).

  3. The background graphics have kind of a Draconus vibe.


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