Xeno Brigade Extinction - A rather cool looking turn based strategy game for the Spectrum Next (Physical Release Preorder)

Something slightly different for today's retro heads up, as we were kindly informed on our Facebook page, that if you love high quality turn based strategy games, AND have either a ZX Spectrum Next, N-go, or XBerry-Pi (50Hz) then it might be worth checking out Greenman Soft's upcoming game of 'Xeno Brigade Extinction'. A game in which you play as the Xeno Brigade on a hunt for the last Queen of her kind, imprisoned within ancient ruins. To coincide with this news, we've got some more info about the game as well the latest screenshots from the physical release preorder.

And here's the latest from the website. "On the steaming jungle planet of Vadoom 3 the Xeno Brigade hunt a Queen, the last of her kind. Imprisoned within ancient ruins, she calls to her brood. She is young and her powers are not yet fully formed. Ancient power crystals have irreversibly changed the DNA of her species, enabling fearsome mutations. The Xeno-Brood assemble, preparing to rescue their beloved queen, heralding a new era of Xeno-Terror across the galaxy!"

Inspired by the classic ZX Spectrum turn based strategy games, Xeno Brigade Extinction is a 1 or 2 player strategy game for the Spectrum Next, N-go or XBerry-Pi (50Hz)

  • 7 Challenging Levels
  • 1 or 2 Players
  • Controls: Keyboard/Mouse or Joypad
  • SD card – complete with 16 page professionally printed Manual.
  • By preordering you guarantee being amongst the first owners of the game, which will be soon!
  • A download, with the manual in pdf will also be provided to those purchasing the physical edition.

Links :1) Source


  1. Laser Squad homage.

    1. Exactly! I hope is a good successor.

  2. It's all a bit confusing. Xeno Brigade was released a couple of years ago, is this the same game? Xeno Brigade Extinction is not mentioned on the page which advertises Xeno Brigade and vice versa. And will Xeno Brigade Extinction be sold digitally? If so, where? And what does the gameplay consist of? Questions...

    1. I was only asked to mention Xeno Brigade Extinction. But looking at both games, this one looks graphically advanced compared to Xeno Brigade. :)

    2. Hi (author here) it's the sequel to Xeno Brigade, carrying on the story for from the first..

    3. (Author here) The original Xeno Brigade and the sequel Xeno Brigade: Extinction are published by different companies :-) Game play is a cross between Laser Squad and Lords Of Chaos. It's a turned based strategy game.

  3. Hi, it's a sequel to the earlier game by the same author. Graphics by zingot and music by me 🙂

  4. Looks pretty cool. Sadly iam not into Spectrum. Would celebrate a port to the C64 or Amiga :)

    1. It probably wouldnt fit on a c64 - other platforms might be possible... not a yes but not a no. Not many retro platforms match the 256/512 colours on screen of the next, but that might not be an issue this time, and cut scenes could maybe be ham mode on amiga???

  5. The download edition is now available at https://technoshedsoftware.com/product/xenobrigade-extinction for those who don't want more game boxes on shelves :)


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