Insanity Fight 2 - An unofficial WIP sequel to the smash hit cult classic Insanity Fight for the Amiga OCS/ECS/AGA

Even more Amiga news to get through straight out of the 2024 Amigamejam, as thanks to Saberman contacting us earlier today through Facebook, he has told us that re-h#ASH has made available the work in progress game of 'Insanity Flight 2': An unofficial sequel to the smash hit cult classic Insanity Fight. Do be aware however, although the game is only playable through 1 area, you can atleast see how far the game has progressed and hope the game is turned into a fully fledged experience.

Here's the latest from the developer. "Sequel to the smash hit cult classic Insanity Fight. Get ready once more Starfighter. The alien hordes are back and as fierce as ever. Your mission is to save the universe from being overrun with insanity, no pressure".

Current build notes : "Quick and dirty prototype alpha demo for the 2024 Amigamejam. Development started mid November 2024, therefore missing many features and optimisation. Currently 1 area including boss fight. Blue powerups for improved firepower (up to 3 max) and red for health. You get 1 life, make it count. I want to add more levels, powerups and audio, especially sound fx. Let me know in the comments what you think, it will be appreciated".

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  1. easy proof that ECS can create mode7 effects, its not the first time though. Seems promising needs some colour arrangements and different music of course. Congrats to the developers and thank you!

  2. Mode 7 is what Mario Kart used for the tracks right, rotating the whole screen. I see no sign of that in the video.

    It looks promising, however where is the speech on the title screen music. That's the defining feature of the game, for me which blew me away. The game itself I didn't find overly impressive, but it was alright for my first ever shoot em up on a 16bit machine

    1. Mode 7-type effects can actually be implemented \on the Super NES without the hardware acceleration of Mode 7, such as Axelay's rolling pin vertical scrolling

  3. Reminds me of Axelay on the SNES which actually was not using Mode 7.

  4. Crazy that development started mid November. Looks quite good already. This is the most impressive I have seen yet for the Amiga game jam. Looking forward to play the game on my real Amiga and really hope you continue the great work!

  5. Brilliant idea but it's actually not playable without AGA or an heavy accelerated machine....try to optimize the code and it will be a great shooter even on ocs\ecs,i'm sure! Great parallax and nice sprites,keep up the good work!

  6. axelay scroll fx, possible with MD, surely with amiga too as raster fx.

  7. I tried the game now on my A500 with 68000@14MHz and it runs perfect! This is a beauty. The background and the other gfx is stunning! If you need beta-tester Im in ;)


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