Rintivoorh - As a prototype Amiga game, this looks pretty decent by UltraNarwhal.

While I'm trying to avoid prototypes as half the time they never get finished, there was a couple of games entered into the AmiGameJam 2024 that caught my attention. One of those games in development by UltraNarwhal, who was also behind the charming Amiga platformer of Duckstroma. Has made available a prototype of an Amiga platformer called Rintivoorh. What makes this one pretty special however, is not only does it look pretty damn cool, but according to the developer "it's a prototype for 'The Sequel That Never Was' - What if there was a Hawkeye sequel?".

Sadly there isn't much to talk about as of yet, but while UltraNarwhal does state it's a single level prototype made over a few hours in a day in a month. He may at least make a full version with a boss battle at each level end, if it ends up being popular....So here's hoping!

Credits :

  • Original graphics by Surt (Carl Olsson), additional by UltraNarwhal.
  • https://opengameart.org/content/beast-soldier
  • Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
  • Created with Scorpion Engine by Erik Hogan.
  • github.com/earok/scorpion-editor-demos
  • Music by Songerson
  • https://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_profile&query=90970
  • songerson_-_dog51
  • songerson_-_dog53
  • Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
  • Valour (modified) original font by Damien Guard
  • Zona Armada (modified) original font by Vic Fieger

Links :1) Source

1 comment:

  1. Looks nice and methodological to play. Like you had to play carefully and plan a bit.


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