Rastan - Another demo update to a fabulous WIP Amiga 500 and above Arcade game!

Sometime back I gave you the heads up about a new alpha demo of 'Rastan' that was made available by basementApe for the Commodore Amiga. Well fast forward to today and if you're hoping for some new updates in regards to this Arcade development using Earok's excellent scorpion engine, then we have been told a new v0.33 demo has been made available. A new demo which according to the creator "revamps level 1-1 backgrounds to bring them a bit more in line with the arcade original".

Here's what the website says about the game "Released in arcades in 1987, Taito’s Rastan was one of the best fantasy action-platformers of its time. Now, after eight months down in the basement, the Amiga version of Rastan emerges. This is a demo of the first level, featuring remastered sprites and brand new, reimagined backgrounds, all running on a stock Amiga 500 with 512kb extra ram! No ETA on the finished game yet, but development is going full steam. More news soon-ish!"

Credits : 

  • Remastered & new graphics: basementApe
  • Music: JMD, basementApe & Tsak
  • Audio:  Tsak & basementApe

And that's the last news article from me, I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and I'll see you all again soon ;)

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  1. Wow. Well, this started out stunning - and just gets better and better. Some very nice improvements here. As I've said before, the castle interior looks better than the one in the arcade version - bravo, Basement Ape!

    Question for Basement Ape: the scrolling and animation are super-smooth, despite loads of enemies on screen at once. I have not seen this performance on any other Scorpion Engine game. How on earth are you achieving this???

    Constructive criticism: I am one of the people who asked to put in the background statues - and thank you for doing do!

    However, I hate to say it, but the new statues don't look as good as they might. They are not as nicely drawn as some of the other graphics, and are not well integrated in the background. I'm afraid I find them a bit distracting - and at the moment I feel they are taking away from the excellent sprite graphics.

    I would suggest removing the pedestals at their feet, removing the green colour, and blending them into the mountain range as if they have been carved into the mountains. I think they need to draw less attention to themselves - or even be removed altogether.

    But, as usual, that is just MY OPINION. The decision rests with the creators of this superb piece of work. Great job, guys!

  2. Looks great. Seem to remember the sky in the arcade outdoor section being a bit brighter. I certainly think the dev is on the right track, always tricky with the Amiga pallette. I guess it depends if you can use 32 colours, halfbrite mode and the copper in the scorpion engine, and if that will be fast enough. Excellent work though, captures the essence of the arcade nicely!

    1. Yep, Scorpion supports full copper sky / gradient background though the game might not run at 50FPS (as seen with other Scorpion Engine games).


      Perhaps he'll add it at the end once he is close to finishing the game - shouldn't be too hard to do!

  3. Looks better than the arcade version. Imagine if this was released back in the day!

  4. Statues on background are really anticlimatic cause are too small and i think the ones on ms-dos version are way better but for the rest it's totally on par with the arcade! Great job,keep up the good work!

  5. Just masterful work with the visuals! They're really well reimagined within the constraints of the palette and everything reads so clearly. What really impresses me is that it doesn't feel like it has less colors than the original, rather it feels like it was redesigned to have a grimmer (more Conan-like) mood. Thanks IRN for keeping us posted on this diamond.

  6. Each time better... Fabulous Christmas Gift ! Thank you.

  7. Outstanding! May Barry Windsor-Smith and Mike Ploog guide your sword arm, barbarian!

  8. Bellissima sta conversione ...ottimo lavoro

    1. PLEASE COMMENT ONLY IN ENGLISH so everyone here can understand what you say.
      -- --
      This Rastan ver. is very interesting, as OCS game is very well done, well realized sprites and animations, even many sprites simultaneously on the screen, Scorpion Engine is a blessing, but what i appreciated more is surely is the quality of game visual, infact the graphics definition of Amiga 500 ver. if compared with arcade original .. it wins, first of all on the quality of character/enemies sprites, more detailed, precise and defined on colors used, also there are an inspired sound and a satisfying gameplay (old style but always ok), a GREAT work by basementApe ! [^.^]

  9. I wouldn't say it is better than the Arcade, but it is a faithful representation of the Arcade game. The backgrounds could do with some work and maybe the controls feeling a little tighter, but overall the look, feel, music and sound effects of the Arcade is captured well. Well done.


    Rastan is one of OCS Amiga games that i following with Great interest like i written on 31 December 2024, i like arcade games style, so direct and immediate, so far the work performed from basementApe is good, we see what will arrive this year; today i made a post ( Player_533 ) on game page with some suggestions for game developer.


    I well tested this demo and to not to penalize the jump in Rastan >> strongly i advice DON'T USE the second button to jump, but use UP of D-pad (controller directional cross), doing so you'll able to exploit in Best possible way the jump when you perform a flying attack. |^_~]


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