The Future of IndieRetroNews Part 2

Some good news for you all! I've taken all of your advice on board ( of which I'm hugely grateful beyond words ). But I also said if the site changing domain * out of my hands * was the end of IndieRetroNews then so be it, it was time to call it quits . But today checking my emails. IndieRetroNews was successfully transferred over to the new domain host and thus far it's still going! So that means I'm meant to keep featuring retro games 🙂 

- Albeit taking it easier from now on. So expect quality over quantity ☺️ - Fingers crossed throughout the week as google catches up.


  1. glad to hear this site is still going strong! no other site covers the underground retro scene like this one

  2. Excellent new, very much appreciated

  3. Good work!
    Keep it up, and take care.

  4. Quality over quantity is always best. How do you decide what to cover?

    1. I look at the game and go that looks cool, think I'll feature that one! Although my idea of cool might not be in 100% agreement with my readers hah ;)

  5. Great news, thank you for everything you have done so far and looking forward to what the future holds.

  6. Hiya - I run this site here ( ) would there be possible to get coverage of some of the content I produce if you consider it fitting.

    Also, take this as a note to include any videos I do, I would be honoured to feature on the odd article here.

    Thank you.

  7. Thank you for keeping my ZX years alive 50 years on !

  8. good to hear, i always appreciate this site and your work. It is a great source of news about new games/projects.

  9. Very good, i'm glad to hear this and your Retro site is in good health, i think this site is a GOOD thing simply because is direct and comfortable to obtain retro news, i like all your articles and videos, a -complete- information on this Wonderful world called RETRO games (!!).
    Also i want to say you : don't worry about others complaints, simply YOU DO WHAT YOU LIKE AND HOW YOU LIKE IT and your health always comes first. [ ^.^ ]

  10. Very glad to hear. I check this site regularly to see what new games have come out for retro systems. Thanks for your hard work.

  11. Yay! :-) Question, since we're here anyway... Where do you get all those remakes of 8-bit music that are featured at the start of every video?

    1. Best to ask Saberman on one of his videos :) - I did mention to him in the past about doing a compilation :D

  12. This is a great birthday present, thank you Neil!! <3

  13. That's so great to hear. I absolutely love your site, and it's always a daily check for me. I had no idea you're flying solo maintaining it, so huge kudos. You've steered me towards some excellent titles over the years mate! Thankyou for your time and effort, as I, and many others, really appreciate it.

  14. I suggest that aside going for quality games reviews, you could also publish a list of 'non covered releases' weekly, so, all users could keep an eye on those titles that could pass somehow unaware. Cheers!

  15. Keep up the great work , we all appreciate what you do here. Your site is the first that I check each day.

  16. I don't comment very often, but have frequented this site for years! I've always considered it the best source for gaming news. Glad to hear the domain transfer was a success and that you plan on sticking with it. We really appreciate the work you do. Thanks and cheers

  17. Great to hear this, love the site and check it most days.

  18. Glad to hear the good news man! Your site is life line for many retro-maniacs like myself :) Thank you!

  19. Glad to hear it worked out, would have missed this great great site. No alternative.

  20. If you're going to cut down on the number of posts on the site, I think it's best to talk about the games when they're already complete. There are often around 3 posts per game. It's better not to waste time talking about games that we don't know if they'll ever be complete or not, or talk about demos. Sorry for my English, I use Google Translate

    1. Good idea! I'll probably feature like one beta to get the ball rolling, then feature it again when it's feature complete unless there's been major update in between... This is mainly for the good games. There are some pretty terrible ones out there lol

  21. Great work, I visit your site every day. Do you think there's a chance you can also publish updates on Blue Sky? A lot of what Twitter used to be for retro computing community is now moving there and it would be great to see you around.

    1. Yeh I might be able to do both, not going to just ditch Twitter though! :) - Cheeers :D

    2. Pfft... trust me... X isn't going anywhere. Hundreds of millions still on there.

  22. So happy to hear you're able to continue the great work here. It's very much appreciated by a lot of people. I have a Twitch stream (CharlieFar) every week called "What's New Wednesday" which features new games available from indie and retro devs and this place is invaluable for the latest news. I don't review the games as such, just give my reactions to a first play of each game. I do feature demos but will always favour showing feature complete games that viewers can get hold of the same day. I now tend to shy away from early previews and prototypes as it's sadly never guaranteed they will make it to full release. I read that you will be also featuring less of this content too which I think is a good move, both for quality and making the updating of the site more manageable. Once again, thank you for providing such a quality resource!

  23. Well done!

    So, if we want to contact you directly (to inform of new games), what is the best way to do it?

    1. Either or . I've had to ditch emails because of the vile messaging and spam I was getting. :))))

    2. Ok, thanks.
      I sent you a direct message on X a couples weeks ago, so I wonder if you actually received it or if it somewhat was filtered out :)

      If you did not get it, should I post it again on X, or possibly on bsky?

    3. Either is fine :) Make sure to tag me! - cheers

    4. Oh, so a normal message with @Indie_RetroNEWS not a direct message.

  24. That's great news! indieretronews.bsky is perfect!

  25. So Glad. I use this site daily. Such a great hub for retro gaming

  26. I keep the site as a shortcut on my phone to check each day

  27. Quit? You should have a backup person/team to take over it to keep it going!!! Even is looking for people to keep it running as shown in Do the same for your rad(ical) web site!

  28. Here again, because it is important to me that everyone reads it, including those affected.

    Unfortunately, there are haters everywhere, especially in the retro gaming scene. We have also had to learn from this and develop a thick skin in recent years, which is also necessary in order to be taken seriously in the scene in the long term and at the same time to inform people and offer them a little joy and variety with our streams in this now media-saturated world. And I have to say quite honestly, our shows would not be what they are today without websites like Indieretronews. An estimated 80% of all content shown comes from recommendations from this site. Therefore, we are very grateful for everything that has been presented here. Unfortunately, not every developer understands that in addition to time aspects such as everyday work, there are also other hobbies or private things such as family or simply health, which are absolute priorities. We have also had experiences with such people and can only feel sorry for them. Anyone who has no understanding of private things should simply stay away from the scene and look for another hobby. The same goes for all anonymous trolls and readers who would rather hurl insults and abuse or even death threats than put themselves in your or our position, because ultimately what we do is and will remain just a voluntary hobby for a dying community of retro gamers and fans. In this sense: keep going as long as you enjoy it, but never let people in the scene put you under pressure, because then you'll very quickly lose the fun of your hobby. Some people simply cannot and should not be taken seriously, especially those who come up with threats out of boredom because they (mis)believe that they are anonymous on the Internet.

  29. Do not think that the situation is better for the developers. I myself have received nasty and unnecessary hateful comments about my works that made me wonder if I should continue.
    It is a matter every now and then to stop and think about the fact that for every loud nasty comment there are hundreds of people who silently appreciate the work that every creator involved in the scene does as a hobbyist and volunteer.
    If I were asked what I think of the retrogaming community after a few years of being involved, my answer would certainly be less enthusiastic than in the beginning, but if I were asked what I think of retrogaming I would answer that I love it just as much as I did a few years ago.
    The secret to continue is to do what we like at a time and in a way that is compatible with the rhythms of our lives without feeling pressurised and obliged to do it.
    Thank you for the wonderful work, with the hope that you can continue to do it with serenity and good health.

    1. Well said dude, and thank you for all of your valued input/development in the retrogaming scene :)


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