Sky Shapers (Amiga) - A vertical scrolling SHMUP from new Norwegian developers Digilicious Nibbles! [Update]

Love collecting big box Amiga games and more so brand new ones from homebrew developers, then come and check out Digilicious Nibbles latest Arcade Shoot 'em up of 'Sky Shapers': A game in which the Norwegian developers have said is "an engaging and challenging 50 FPS vertical scrolling SHMUP". While I'm unsure when a digital download only version will be available, you can at least buy the boxed edition which is available to buy through the Amiga Shop linked below right now.

Here's what the website says about the game. "Sky Shapers is an engaging and challenging 50 FPS vertical scrolling SHMUP from the new Norwegian developers Digilicious Nibbles, with lots of charm due to its distinctive hand crafted graphics. Featuring 3 unique levels and 37 enemy types, compelling boss fights, weapon upgrades and special weapons, high quality sound and two layers of parallax scrolling. The game includes a comprehensive introduction sequence, bonus point screen, and a persistent high score table. The game scored a favorable 88% in december edition of Amiga Addict, where James Walker wrote: "Whether you’re here for the laser-zapping, minigun spinning chaos or just want to experience some nostalgic arcade shooter vibes, Sky Shapers is (literally) a blast from start to finish."

Requirements : Sky Shapers is AGA only, requires kickstart 3.0 or higher, minimum 1877 KB of free CHIP memory, 1MB of FAST, Hard Drive only, playable on 14Mhz 020, but a 25Mhz 030 recommended, supports two button joysticks, and keyboard controls.

Extra Notes : The game is delivered on CD (CDR) in a large cardboard box with a printed, detailed manual and an A3 poster. Of course, when you buy the boxed version in our online shop, you will also get the download version (ISO) for free.

Update : The game is now available as a digital download via itch io

Links :1) Source 2) Digital Download


  1. This looks cool, it made me think of Invasion Of The Mutant Space Bats Of Doom for some reason.

  2. Hi! Digital download will be available in March from our website (under construction)

    Thank you for making an article about us. You are doing a great job with the indieretronews site:-)
    Cheers from Digilicious Nibbles!

    1. If you got the time, you can add the digital version link to the article:) I also sent you an email about the game, but I don’t know if you got it.

    2. Awesome! Count me in, I'll buy it! :)

    3. Thank you:-) Digital download is now available on our page. Look us up there:-)

  3. Technically great, cant anyone create a normal shoot em up on amiga like japan style ?? :)

  4. I buy the download version later , this game looks good.

    1. Thank you:-) Digital download is now available on our page. Look us up there:-)

  5. Really cool surprise ! Waiting for the digital version :-) Congrats !

    1. Thank you:-) Digital download is now available on our page. Look us up there:-)

  6. any tips to get it to work on mister so far iv had no luck? thanks

    1. To make it work on MiSTer, I first setup the AmigaVision pack, then on starting the Amiga core, I swapped out the main HD-Image for the Skyshapers image, then switched the Video standard from NTSC to PAL. Then the game works fine, however it's not necessarily running at 100% speed at all times due to the 68020 vs 68030 CPU.

    2. Thanks for the reply but I’m still struggling to get it to work. It’s probably me not understanding the instructions correctly. Would you be able to go through in proper baby steps for me or even provide a vid on YouTube or something I can follow as I’m just getting more confused the more I try.

    3. Hi I’m still not able to get the game to launch on mister. I’m probably not understanding the steps correctly. Would it be possible to break it down any further into baby steps as I’m quit new to the mister scene. I have Amigavision running and have been able to get other iso games to boot. Even a quick vid would help me understand and be very much appreciated as you seem to have cracked the code. Thanks for the reply

    4. While i'm not sure if it works on a MiSTer Pi, it works on a MiSTer using the Amiga core. Just make sure you select a original 3.1 kickstart (not AROS) CPU: 68020, D-Cache ON, Chipset: AGA, ChipRAM: 2MB, FastRAM: 2MB or higher, SLowRam: None and then under drives select for the Pri.Master SkyShapers_v1.0_APCTCP.hdf file. Booting the downloaded ISO file itself will not work, as it is not a bootable ISO file, you have to copy it from either a old fashioned burned CD-R or mount the ISO image on your computer.

    5. This is the closest thing to color-by-number instructions as ive seen but still hieroglyphics. Anyone have a setup video or screenshots of getting this to boot on a MiSTer?

    6. Hi. You can for sure play it on MiSTer. Check out out web site: under UPDATE there is an instruction on how to get it work:-) Cheers from Digilicious Nibbles

  7. So much Green... Despite that, it seems pretty cool but I won't buy it without play a demo first..

  8. Will for sure buy digital version for my A4000 💪🙂

    1. Cool! Thank you:-) The game is now out on digital download on our page. Look us up:-)

  9. My husband aunt made this game i had tried this and it is a pretty fun game and it tok 5 years!

  10. Too bad no music and why no CD32 conversion ?

  11. Too bad no music and why no CD32 conversion ?

  12. Awful color selection, sorry guys


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