Hero Quest improved for the Amstrad CPC!

Way back in the early 90's a fantastic top down game based on an original board game was released by Gremlin, that became hugely popular to the point of receiving great reviews and ending up as one of the top most recommended games to have in any retro collection. That game was none other than ' Hero Quest ', a video game adaptation with a great soundtrack, of the fantasy board-game from Games Workshop and Milton Bradley. So you'll have to forgive my over excitement as I have just found out through Xenomorph, that Hero Quest is getting an improved version for the Amstrad CPC. 

While there seems to be different people talking about the development of the game, with members swapping roles from one to another, and even one user by the name of GOB saying they are working on a CPR version of the game with CPC+ graphics. In relation to this version however, here's the latest improvements worked on by abalore.

  • - Compatible with 64k machines, including normal CPCs with cartridge port
  • - Full soundtrack and sound effects (in all machines, including 64k)
  • - Improved color palettes in game, maps and fight cutscenes
  • - Added missing furniture in original (Armory)
  • - Faster music player for improved performance
  • - Joystick or Keyboard selected by default depending on what you press in title screen
  • - Bigger improved title screen
  • - Levels from Return Of The Witch Lord included (through Load Other option)
  • - Keep input selection when switching to expanded version
  • - Unused music track in original played in title screen
  • - Cassette relay clicking bug fixed
  • - Greatly improved visuals in monochrome monitor
  • - Redesigned cursor for greater visibility
  • - New in-game background with clearer icons and better palette usage
  • - New board background resembling old paper


  1. much better palette .. alas not as good as speccy one - https://youtu.be/n9sR17Mn48c?t=114

    1. Nice colours in the speccy one!! Just goes to show how bad the amstrad cpc one was lol https://youtu.be/xmy-3s7oAuA

    2. You think that's bad? Games looked like this when I was a kid... https://youtu.be/wf2Ojwq4gYU

    3. As a kid? I call that a migraine :D

  2. Very cool! I am slowly starting to love that computer even if I never had one. Theres just something about it. Thanks goodness for emulator :)

  3. It's really pretty now. I like the new sword design.


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