International Kopicat Plus - A memory based game for the AMIGA 500 by Fourseasons

Some more family friendly fun for you all, is the latest release of the memory based game from Fourseasons called 'International Kopicat Plus ' for the Commodore Amiga. An AMIGA version of the classic memory game SIMON from 1978, blended with IK+ (International Karate Plus) and Karate Champ. To coincide with this news, there's some footage of the game and further info below.

Make sure to read the source site so the game makes sense ;)

And here's the info! "International Kopicat Plus is an AMIGA version of the classic memory game SIMON, an electronic game from Milton Bradley (MB) launched in the United States in 1978, invented by Ralph Baer and Howard J. Morrison. The game was developed by Alberto (BCO) Sgaggero for the Simon Game BASIC Programming Challenge (8Bit/16Bit), promoted by the Facebook group Retro Programmers Inside (RPI). The game is inspired by the more famous IK+ (International Karate Plus), a masterpiece for AMIGA created by Archer Maclean, and the introductory section (as well as some other elements) of the arcade game Karate Champ by Data East (1984)".

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